Why an Owner’s Representative?

Tales of construction projects gone wrong abound: regulatory, zoning, and legal complications; faulty workmanship; miscommunications and misunderstandings; budget shortfalls; cost overruns; missed deadlines; lost opportunity costs; and a final result that falls well short of expectations.

Most often the underlying cause of construction problems is the lack of a cohesive, comprehensive project plan, a proven process for every phase of the project, and a collaborative effort focused on getting the job done.

That’s why many organizations choose to engage a planning and construction consulting firm like ARCH—often referred to as the Owner’s Representative—to provide expert guidance from the earliest stages of project planning through the final details of the occupied space.

ARCH knows that a solid plan, a proven process, and a highly skilled team working toward common purpose are critical to delivering the result you seek. While our clients understand that ultimate accountability rests with the Owner, they also know that partnering with ARCH ensures that all the right pieces are in all the right places at every phase of construction planning and execution.

Our proven process makes the difference. Learn how.